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8 月, 2019

Certified Sustainable Logo on Wine Bottle


Have you spotted some California wines lately with a new blue-and-white logo on the label? How observant of you. Beginning with the 2017 vintage, a wine may bear the California Certified Sustainable Winegrowing (CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE) logo (it’s optional) if it was made in a CERTIFIED SUSTINABLE winery from California grapes and 85% or more of the grapes came from certified-sustainable vineyards. You can expect to see more bottles with this logo as wineries release their 2017 and 2018 red wines. Coming soon: a website with a searchable database of certified-sustainable California wines.

The Pour

Which Wine?

With its firm tannic structure and woodsy blackberry perfume, California Cabernet Sauvignon is a wine to swirl, sip, and savor. Oak aging adds a whisper of char and helps make this variety so pleasing with grilled foods. A good merchant or well-stocked supermarket should have affordable weeknight Cabernets along with age-worthy Cabs for collectors and special occasions. And, of course, your perfect homemade burger is a special occasion!

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe


Buttery avocados make any sandwich better and they put this burger over the top. Grass-fed beef can be lean, but the sliced avocado and spicy chipotle mayonnaise ensure that this burger is a luscious, moist, flavor-packed experience.

Wine suggestion: 加州卡本內蘇維濃(California Cabernet Sauvignon)或西拉(Syrah)

Burger Avocado



  • 1 1⁄2 磅(750 克)草飼牛肩頸部位絞肉
  • 少量約 1 1⁄2 茶匙粗鹽或海鹽
  • 3⁄4 茶匙大蒜粉
  • 現磨黑胡椒


  • 1⁄4 杯又 2 湯匙(90 毫升)美乃滋,自製或是購買現成的
  • 1 湯匙特級初榨橄欖油,如果使用購買現成的美乃滋
  • 1 小瓣大蒜,以磨碎機磨碎或切成細碎
  • 1 1⁄2 茶匙切成細碎的罐裝墨西哥紅辣椒,或多一點以品嚐
  • 1 湯匙特級初榨橄欖油
  • 4 個開口的漢堡包
  • 1 小顆成熟結實的酪梨
  • 1⁄2 萊姆
  • 約 1⁄2 杯(20 克)鬆散包裝的新鮮香菜葉
  • 4 大片柔軟蘿蔓萵苣葉


漢堡肉作法:把牛肉放入碗內,加上鹽、大蒜粉,以及幾撮黑胡椒。用雙手將材料迅速混合;儘量不要攪拌過度。分成四等份,每份 6 盎司(185 克),並塑成球狀。把每個球狀肉團壓平,成為一個約 3/4 吋(2 公分)厚的圓餅狀。讓肉餅中央稍微薄一點。肉餅在煮熟後會微縮,而這個步驟可確保其在煮過之後厚度維持均勻。把肉餅放在一個盤子上並冷藏。


預熱烤架。把一個大號鑄鐵煎鍋以中火加溫。加上橄欖油並晃動讓鍋底覆蓋一層油。油熱之後,放入肉餅煎煮直到呈現漂亮棕色,且熟度配合您的口味,用煎鏟翻面兩三次,然後調整熱度讓每一面不至於過度乾脆。希望肉餅中等熟度者,全部的烹煮時間大約是 10 分鐘。

把漢堡肉放在一個大淺盤上,靜置約 3 分鐘。與此同時,烤漢堡包,讓切面朝上,放在烤架下面。酪梨切半,去核去皮後,切成薄片。


4 人份

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at